I hope everyone is feeling great! I've made some progress with the weight loss!! I had hit a wall for about two weeks, and am finally seeing some changes! People at work are noticing a difference, and some of my clothes are fitting bigger. I've really noticed a change in my face- it looks smaller than before!! I've lost 15 pounds total, and 8 since I've been going to TOPS meetings. I can't say how much TOPS has helped me. The support I get from all of the members, and knowing that I have to weigh in every week is a huge motivating factor. It's really wonderful to go to a group where everyone is always happy to see you, always is supportive and encouraging, and shares their tips.
I have been focusing on making small changes everyday to reach my goal. I worked on, and finished my motivation wall/center in my apartment. Here are some pictures:
I picked up some poster board, and put this on my hallway closet door, here is a closer shot of the white board, the blue has my fitness challenge, and our local rec center's class schedules.
I hung up a couple outfits I want to fit into soon.. these aren't my goal size, but it's progress and I want to fit into them anyway!
Having these hung up where I have to see them everyday really keeps me on track. It's hard to snack on something bad for me when my jeans are staring me in the face. They're also just one size smaller, which I can fit into, but not comfortably. When I fit into these nicely, I will replace them with a size smaller until I get to my goal.
I've been doing what you're supposed to do when losing weight- nothing more or less. I've been eating better food, a lot more veggies, a lot less processed food. I've been working out everyday, taking one day a week to "rest" with just walking or doing yoga. I've been drinking a lot of water, and have cut out almost all other drinks. If I get a craving for something, I eat it- in a small amount, and move on. We did splurge last night and ordered pizza- stuffed crust no less.
I'm hoping to keep up with the losing each week!!
Also, I thought I'd include the presentation I gave last week at TOPS, it just includes some motivation tips I found online, with the sites where I found them listed above each section. There's some recipe substitutions as well. Hopefully a few of them help!